Gedarif, Amhara region officials await opportune time for peace-talks

Security and administration officials of the Amhara regional state and Sudan’s Gedarif state are expected to sit for peace talks to address border conflicts between the two. Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) is waiting for the opportune time to set up the talks, according to its nine month performance report presented to the Parliament.

Sudan and Ethiopia’s relation soared after Sudan’s forces occupied Ethiopia’s fertile sesame land, entering close to 40 kilometers into the Amhara regional state, which shares a border with Sudan.

The clash begun shortly after the federal government launched a law enforcement operation in Tigray regional state, in November 2020. Sudan’s forces are reportedly cultivating and harvesting crops in the occupied land, which was formerly occupied by Ethiopian farmers, farming mainly sesame.

The report also emphasized that the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) could not play a crucial role in solving the Ethio-Sudan border crisis because Sudan, which is IGAD’s chair, is not a member of the African Union.

“IGAD is currently unable to discharge its responsibilities,” stated the MoFA report.

In October 2021, AU Political Affairs Peace and Security suspended Sudan from all AU activities until the civilian-led transitional authority was effectively restored. This affected Sudan’s activities in IGAD.

Ethiopia could not contribute much of its effort to alleviate the political crisis in Sudan, as the relationship of the two countries deteriorated. But lately, Sudan is showing positive signs of improving its relationship with Ethiopia.

Recently, officials from Sudan’s Blue Nile state signed a cooperation agreement with their counterparts in Bensishangul Gumuz, after discussing security, political and social issues in Asossa town.

So far, peace and security officials of west Gonder zone have also discussed with counterparts from Gedarif Administration on how to form an alliance for a joint border security protection.

Sudan’s recent decision to accept the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam issue, as technical issue, and solve the dam conundrum through discussions, is also another positive step towards a peaceful resolution, according to the report.

MoFA’s report came at a time when officials of Amhara regional state are voicing their concerns over border clashes. Recently, Yilikal Kefale (PhD), president of Amhara region stated the border aggression is increasing, as Sudan’s forces try to expand the occupation area into new lands.

While presenting the report on May 18, 2022 Demeke Mekonen, Minster of MoFA, said Ethiopia’s relationship with Sudan is not good, accusing Sudan of becoming a vehicle for the TPLF, which the Ethiopian Parliament has designated as terrorist.

Demeke reiterated that Ethiopia will have its land back through peaceful negotiations. But, Sudan’s foreign ministry issued a statement criticizing Demeke’s statement as wrong and sidelined agreements signed since early twentieth century regarding Al Fashaga, a land now occupied by Sudanese forces.

The latest disagreement might shadow the expected peace talks between the two states.

MoFA has also prepared “Re-engagement Strategy,” aimed at reversing the distorted outlook of the US, over the Ethiopian government’s operation in the northern part of the country. “US officials accept the Ethiopian government is legally elected and have agreed to work on bilateral, regional and national interests,” read the report.

The Re-engagement Strategy has helped friendly countries to overcome the pressure exerted by the international community on Ethiopia, following the biased perception of the crisis in northern Ethiopia.

In the past nine months, MoFA shrunk its embassies from 47 to 25 and from 16 consuls to five. The number of director generals at MoFA was slashed from 28 to 17, while state ministers decreased from three to two. The Ministry also set up sixteen laptop embassies and five home-based embassies.Facebook


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