Ethiopian Peacekeepers Honored Posthumously at United Nations Peacekeepers Day

Three peacekeepers from Ethiopia were honored posthumously at the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers today.

At a ceremony held at the UN Headquarters to observe the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, Secretary-General António Guterres presided over a ceremony at which the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal was awarded posthumously to 117 military, police, and civilian peacekeepers who lost their lives serving under the UN flag last year.

Among the peacekeepers honored posthumously were three Ethiopians who served with the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), it was learned.

Corporal Solomon Ayalew Gared, Sergeant Abebe Tesfaye Masresha, and Sergeant Tekelargay Tinikshu Haile were honored.

In his message, the Secretary-General said: “Today, we honour the more than one million women and men who have served as UN peacekeepers since 1948. We pay tribute to the nearly 4,200 heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives in the cause of peace. And we are reminded an

age-old truth: peace can never be taken for granted. Peace is the prize. We are deeply grateful to the 87,000 civilian, police and military personnel now serving under the UN flag who are helping to realize the prize of peace worldwide.”
The International Day of UN Peacekeepers observed on May 26 every year was established by the General Assembly in 2002 to pay tribute to all men and women serving in peacekeeping, and to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace.


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