Women politicians call for an end to war

The Ethiopian Female Politicians Joint Council is calling on the federal government Tigray People’s Liberation Front and the Oromo Liberation Army to end the war and start a prompt dialogue on matters that are dividing the nation.

In a press conference held later this week, the Council criticized the government for failing to maintain the glimpse of hope seen and various reforms brought forth by the leadership change in the country.

“In the aftermath of scores of reforms, hundreds of thousands of people have died, millions displaced and the cost of living is soaring,” said the Council in its statement.

Women politicians at the presser mentioned dozens of issues including rape and gang-raped women, increased migration, a visible macroeconomic imbalance, a surge in unemployment, forex shortages and widening currency exchange between official and parallel markets.

Bearing in mind the previous war and its horrendous result, getting into another war will not be acceptable, said Meliha Jihad, secretary of the Council.

Demanding an accelerated justice for abused women, the Council is calling for an immediate and an inclusive national dialogue.

The council, in an eight-point statement it released requires foreign powers to refrain from interfering in the internal matters of Ethiopia, and the government to stop its ongoing unlawful arrest of journalists and other prominent figures.

Deputy chair of the council, Desta Tilahun, speaking about the National Dialogue Commission requested the commission to at least have 70 percent women, as members of the advisory, plenary, chair, and sub-committee.

Chairperson of the council, Freedom and Equality party member and advisor of Minister of Works and Skills with the rank of State Minster, Nebiya Mohamed – speaking at the press conference said that since the responsibility to protect the public lies in the hands of the government, it has to end the war and warning parties’ must be ready for discussions.

Nebiya sent a message to the government and other opposing sides to ready themselves for a national dialogue, and stop the hovering conflict.

According to the council, it has submitted a letter to the respective body of the commission, pushing for the inclusion of more competent women to fulfill and safeguard the equal representation of Ethiopian women in the national dialogue.

The Ethiopian Female Politician Council was established to catalyze the more participation of women in Ethiopian politics both as a decision-maker and participants. The council has over 300 members who are members of legally political parties in the country.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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