Tafoukt Theater on theatrical and artistic tour in Europe and Africa
With the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad – Department of Moroccans Residing Abroad, Tafoukt Creation Space will tour Spain, France, Italy and other countries Europeans during the month of June 2022 and in Senegal thereafter.

The Moroccan community will have an appointment with Amazigh theatrical performances (Aferziz), that is to say (Bitter Melon), produced as part of the support for the localization of theatrical troupes by the Moroccan Ministry of Culture. And in partnership with the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture. At the same time, the Tafoukt Theater will present shows to the children of

Moroccans around the world through the musical piece Argana operetta, followed by meetings with the children, in addition to presenting a variety of concerts, and the Tafoukt Creation space as part of social works on a special theatrical and musical program for the benefit of Moroccan prisoners in a penitentiary center, Ponent Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.

Thus, the public will have an appointment with the artists, performances and concerts of the Tafoukt Theater in Spain on June 03, 2022 at the Auditorium Tivoli in El Vendrell, on June 04, 2022 at the Civic Center of Torreforta in Tarragona, on June 05, 2022 at the Civic Center de Balafia in Lleida, and on June 07, 2022 at the Salle Théâtral de la prison de Ponent in Lleida, then in France on

Saturday June 11 and Sunday June 12, 2022 in Paris, Saturday June 18, 2022 in Strasbourg, Sunday June 19, 2022 in Nancy , then in Italy on Friday June 24, 2022 in Verona, Saturday June 25, 2022 in Padua and Sunday June 26, 2022 in Bologna, The program will also include other offers in Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, ongoing programming with a group of partners.


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