Proposal for Visit Oromia Arabic

Job by Oromia Tourism Commission (OTC)

 (Job Id: 399833 | 456 Views)Posted15Jun

Consultancy and Training, Languages


Addis Ababa 


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Job Description


Oromia Tourism Commission (hereinafter called “OTC”) is a government organization established in June, 2020 with its brand name and tagline “Visit Oromia – Land of diverse beauty”. The brand aims to position Oromia as the best tourist destination on the global stage with its heavily rich tangible and intangible resources. The Commission, as part of its endeavors to promote Oromia in the global stage, is working on branding and promoting its brand name in Arabic language and create brand awareness and presence in the multibillion Middle East and North Africa’s (MENA) tour and travel industry.

On basis of these Terms of Reference, OTC aims to select one party to provide the service of Communications and Marketing that support in formulating and implementing marketing and media presence program for presenting Visit Oromia in Arabic.

OTC reserves the right to update, change, extend, postpone, withdraw or suspend the Terms of Reference, this tender, or any decision with regard to the selection or contract award. OTC is not obliged in this tender procedure to make a contract award decision or to conclude a contract with a participant. OTC reserves the right to suspend or annul the tender procedure at any moment in time.

Participants cannot claim compensation from OTC, any affiliated persons or entities, in any way, in case any of the aforementioned situations occur.

By handing in a proposal, participants accept all terms and reservations made in these Terms of Reference, and subsequent information and documentation in this tender procedure.


The overall objective of this assignment is to ease the communication gap between the Arabic and English speaking world by delivering a complete and reliable promotion of Oromia’s tourism potentials in Arabic language based on a thorough understanding of OTC’s organizational mission and goals

Assignments and Deliverables

Assignments and deliverables could include the following (the list below describes the overall scope of work that is inclusive of all future assignments):

Activities, Deliverables, and Timelines

  • Conduct a desk review and provide a report with findings and recommendations of Visit Oromia Arabic language importance and its expected outcome.
  • Prepare a strategic plan for marketing and promoting Oromia in Middle East and North Africa’s (MENA) Tour and Travel industry in accordance with the Commission’s strategic plan.
  • Develop first-year comprehensive communication and marketing detailed plan to be delivered by the Contractor under the supervision of the Commission.
  • Prepare an implementation, evaluation and monitoring system for Visit Oromia Arabic.
  • Refine and finalize the Visit Oromia Arabic project proposal after consultation and feedback from the Commission.

N.B. Technical and Financial proposals must be submitted separately.

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Job Requirements

Contractor Profile

The contractor(s) need(s) to have the following experience/knowledge:

  • Demonstrated experience supported by portfolio developing deliverables described in section 3.
  • Demonstrated experience in Communications, Media and Marketing for a professional client.

Understanding of OTC mission and ultimate goal.

  • Understanding and experience in the travel and tourism industry especially in Oromia region as promoter or service provider.
  • Demonstrated networking capacity with Ethiopian diaspora in MENA, Arabic media and marketing industry.
  • Proficiency in the Arabic language and deep understanding of the Arabic world.
  • Proven human resource capacity and other technical requirements.

The Contractor(s) need(s) to have the following skills:

  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Solid technical skills in the communication, media and marketing industry

The Contractor(s) need(s) to have the following characteristics:

  • Be able to promptly respond to calls for proposals (within 15 business days).
  • Be able to accommodate on short turnaround time (varies depends on the nature of the assignment, typically between 1 day and 3 weeks).
  • Be able to understand and follow briefings in English and revise products according to feedback.
  • Be able to adapt to changing need as the assignment evolves.

How to Apply

OTC is requesting the Contractors to hand in a proposal of a maximum of 2 pages (excluding CVs, sample work and references). The proposal must be sent in PDF-format at or before  Jun 30, 2022 with the subject line “Proposal for Visit Oromia Arabic.”

In the proposal, please provide the following:

  • A succinct, well-documented approach detailing your way of working in relation to the underlying project; A rate in Ethiopian Birrs (ex VAT) of cost breakdown; Clear description of the project team, relevant experience of team member(s) and 3 best examples from prior work for assessment of capability, based on the profile in section 4
  • Statement on Ground for exclusion (see below)

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