Ethiopia Affirms Support to Efforts to Increase Women Peacekeepers

Ethiopia, one of the top troops contributing nations to peacekeeping missions across the works, has affirmed its commitment to increasing women’s participation in peacekeeping missions.

This was announced on Tuesday during a joint seminar attended by the Embassies of Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkiye, and Australia.

The seminar marked the International Day of UN Peacekeepers 2022, under the theme: “Women in Peacekeeping: A Key to Peace” in the presence of the Ambassadors of MIKTA countries as well as diplomats from AU and UN, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or MoFA.

Speaking to the participants, the Director-General of International Affairs at MoFA, Ayele Lire, emphasized Ethiopia’s commitment to supporting the efforts toward increasing the participation of women in peacekeeping operations.

He said women peacekeepers play an irreplaceable role to have greater access to communities, promoting human rights, and protecting civilians.

They are also key in encouraging women in local communities to become a meaningful part of peace and political processes, .

Ethiopia ranks 6th among top troop-contributing countries in peacekeeping missions across the world.

Close to 12 percent of women peacekeepers are serving in Ethiopian peacekeeping contingents in line with the UN Secretary-General initiatives on ‘Action For Peace (A4P) on Women, Peace, and Security,’ the Director-general of the international affairs said.


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