Job Title: Coder and Content Creator Paid Internship

Company: United Services

Job Type: Contractual

Description: Coder and content creator internship. 2-3 interns will be selected and compensated 12,000 birr for a one-month internship. The intern will mostly work from home and will work 3 days per week during the internship. At the end of the internship, 1-2 interns will be selected for continuing work.

Internship Qualifications:
-Degree in computer science or related field (required)
-Experience with graphic design
-Strong English proficiency

Internship Tasks:
-Video editing
-Audio editing
-HTML and CSS coding
-Podcast development

Internship Application Requirements:
-Submit Google Form at
-Upload degree or transcript proving studies in computer science or related field
-Provide audio recording proving strong English proficiency


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