Govt to Set up Agriculture Mechanization Excellence Center

Ethiopia is set to establish an agricultural mechanization center of excellence to drive its effort to modernize the agriculture sector.

The construction project was a subject of discussion between State Minister of Agriculture Sophia Kassa and  Kang Seok Hee, Ambassador to South Korea, the main backer of the project, on  Wednesday.

Discussing the need for the center, State Minister Sophia said the agricultural sector is the driving engine of the Ethiopia economy and needs to be supported with modern agricultural mechanization equipment and new Agricultural technologies.

The Center for Excellence in Agricultural Mechanization will be built in Addis Ababa.

It’s sub-branches will have sub-branches will be built in six different regions, authorities say.

Agricultural Mechanization Director at the ministry, Bereket Forsido said the Agricultural Mechanization Center of Excellence, which will be established with the support of the South Korean government 

The center will have three main components and functions, the director said. Firstly, Bereket said it will serve as a center for testing and certification for various types of agricultural mechanization machinery.

Secondly, he said it will be tasked to certify engineers and design professionals from various higher education institutions.

It will also provide training to improve the skills of engineers working in various manufacturing sectors and serve as a center where in-house trained operators and mentoring technicians are measured, according to the director. 

The project will significantly boost the agricultural sector in Ethiopia and increase its economy, in addition to strengthening the ties between the two countries, South Korean Ambassador Hee said.


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