Ethiopia Assures Int’l Community to Make 17th Internet Governance Forum Successful

By Samuel Abate

Ethiopia has assured to the international community its readiness to make the 17th Upcoming Internet Governance forum /IGF/ a very successful.

Ethiopia is making preparations to host the 17th upcoming Internet Governance Forum /IGF/ 2022, which will be held from 28 November to 2 December 2022 in Addis Ababa, according to Ethiopian permanent Mission Geneva.

The Internet Governance Forum 2022 Second Open Consultations and Multi stakeholder Advisory Group /MAG/ meeting kicked off here Geneva, Switzerland on Wednesday.

During the meeting State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Huria Ali assured to the international community Ethiopia`s readiness and commitment to make the 17th upcoming IGF/ 2022, a very successful stating that the country has taken the essential steps to host the 17th annual Internet Governance Forum, IGF 2022.

The state minister briefed the participants about the preparations undertaken so far by the government.

In this regard, the State Minister, pointed out some of the milestones achieved on the overall preparation process.  

The state minister underscored the importance of organizing such series of consultations.  

Ambassador Zenebe on his part appreciated the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs /UN-DESA/ and the IGF Secretariat to select Ethiopia to host the 17th IGF-2022 forum in Addis Ababa.

Amb. Zenebe also briefed the audiences about the safety rules and the huge experiences Ethiopia has developed so far and the experiences of the successful conclusions of the forum and conferences undertaking during 2022 including the March /2022 Africa Union Heads of State and Government Summit.

The Participants on their part appreciated the preparatory work and progress made by the Government of Ethiopia.

They also expressed their excitement to see the forum again in Africa after 13 years as the fourth annual IGF Meeting was held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt on 15-18 November 2009.

The Internet Governance Forum / IGF/ is a global multi-stakeholder platform that facilitates the discussion of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet.

It serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to the Internet.

While there is no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors.

At their annual meeting delegates discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other.

The IGF facilitates a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that arise.

The first Inaugural Meeting of the IGF took place in Athens, Greece, from 30 October – 2 November.


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