Ethiopia Earned $95 m from Electricity Export in the Fiscal Year

Ethiopia’s Electric Power (EEP) Corporation announced on Wednesday that it earned $95 million from electricity exports in the fiscal year that just ended.

The revenue is said to have increased by 5.4 percent (by $4.9 million) over the previous year.

According to an Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) report quoting Moges Mekonnen, the Corporate Communication Director of EEP, the power was exported to neighboring Djibouti and Sudan, a country with whom Ethiopia has a border dispute and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

During the most recent fiscal year, Djibouti received the export of 611 GW of electricity. Ethiopia supplied Sudan with 1,093 GW of electricity.

EEP also revealed that a total of 12,030 GW of power was distributed to domestic users as well as to countries to which power was exported.

According to the ENA report, EEP also made 11 billion birr from domestic service delivery and 364 million birr from the Ethio-Djibouti railway line.

Ethiopia has begun generating hydroelectric power from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which is still under construction.


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