Ethiopia, Italy to Work in Collaboration on Capacitating & Modernizing Police Institutions

Ethiopian Federal Police and Italian Police have agreed to work in collaboration on capacity building and modernizing the police institutions of the respective countries.

A delegation led by Ethiopian Federal Police Commissioner-General Demelash Gebremikael has conferred with Italian Police Commander-General Teo Luzi on bilateral and international security issues in Rome on Wednesday July, 2022.

The two sides have reached agreement to collaborate in capacity building training and modernizing the police institutions by equipping them with technologies.

They further agreed to work together on issues of common concerns and security threats such as terrorism and human trafficking.

Lauding the warm welcome, support and cooperation of the Government of Italy, Ethiopian Federal Police Commissioner-General Demelash Gebremikael briefed the Italian Police Commander-General Teo Luzi about the vision of the Ethiopian Federal Police to be among the top five police institutions in Africa.

He added that Ethiopia’s Federal Police Force has organized forensic laboratory equipped with technologies with the view to modernizing itself in preventing and investigating crimes.

Demelash noted that his institution has been working with an organization called Rock in the Horn of Africa to prevent cross-border crimes, including illegal human and weapon trafficking.

Commander-General Teo Luzi said the relationship between the two countries has been longstanding and the two police institutions deserve to work together to take the relationship to a higher level.

As the Italian Police is an institution that has a lot of experience in training qualified police officers, the Ethiopian Federal Police forces can attend the Italian Police Academy and take capacity building training in technology, forensic investigation and police commando skills to increase the capacity of young police officers, he added.

Promising to further support the reform in Ethiopia, Commander-General Luzi pointed out that various technology and manpower training supports will be provided to increase the forensic and DNA testing capabilities initiated by the Ethiopian Federal Police.

He also promised to attend the Police Commissioners’ Union of East African meeting  to be held in October 2022.


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