TPLF Loots 570,000 Liters of Fuel from WFP Warehouse in Mekelle, UN Confirms

The United Nations (UN) revealed that TPLF looted 12 full tankers with 570,000 liters of fuel in Mekelle, which were solely used for humanitarian purposes.

Stephane Dujarric, chief spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that “World Food Programme warehouse in Mekelle, capital of the Tigray region, was forcibly entered by Tigray forces, who took 12 full fuel tankers with 570,000 liters of fuel.”  

The team at the warehouse unsuccessfully tried to prevent the looting, he said.

These fuel stocks were to be used solely for humanitarian purposes, for the distribution of food, fertilizer and other emergency relief items. This loss of fuel will impact humanitarian operations supporting communities in all of northern Ethiopia, said Dujarric.

The chief spokesman added this loss of fuel will impact humanitarian operations supporting communities in northern Ethiopia.

“We condemn any looting or confiscation of humanitarian goods or humanitarian premises, and we call on all parties to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law and to respect humanitarian personnel, activities, assets and goods,” he told a regular press briefing.

“We are very concerned for the civilians in front-line areas and call on all parties to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law to ensure their protection,” he added.


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