Ethiopian Cup of Excellence 2022 Winner Breaks Record Sales Price

Legese Botosa Dikale, a Sidama coffee farmer, produced the top scoring coffee of Cup of Excellence Ethiopia (COE) 2022 which sold at a staggering price of $400.50 per pound or $884.10 per kilogram (ETB47,236.23) at an auction held

This is the highest price ever recorded for an Ethiopian coffee. The top bidders and winners of the coffee were LNK Coffee Trading DMCC and SAZA Coffee.

The winning lots are the top 30 coffees that scored above an 87 by the Cup of Excellence International Jury (Legese’s scored a whopping 90.69). These coffees have each been cupped a minimum of five different times during the cupping process. The coffee is packaged in 30kg boxes containing two 15kg vacuum-packed bags.

 A Facebook post by COE congratulated the Ethiopian coffee farmers, Coffee and Tea Authority, steering committee members, COE Ethiopian team, Alliance for Coffee Excellence team, their partners and coffee lovers and gave special thanks to all buyers who participated in the auction in support of Ethiopian farmers.

In 1999, the Cup of Excellence (COE) founders along with the Specialty Coffee Association of America developed the first global internet auction platform for award winning coffees. These auctions have allowed exemplary coffee farmers, whether award winning or not, to realize a greater financial price for their coffees.


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