Consultancy for Data Collection on Mixed Migration in Ethiopia

Job by Danish Refugee Council


Consultancy and Training


Career Level:

Senior Level (5+ years experience)

Employment Type:

Full time


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Job Description

Please find complete Bidding documents in the following link: RFP-RO01-001881 – Consultancy for Data Collection on Mixed Migration in Ethiopia

RFP No. RO01-001881 – Consultancy for Data Collection on Mixed Migration in Ethiopia

Terms of Reference

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received grants for the implementation of the humanitarian aid operations. Part of this operation is the consultancy services for Data Collection on Mixed Migration in Ethiopia. Therefore, the DRC requests you to submit your proposal. Please be guided by this RFP and the attached Terms of Reference (TOR) Annex A1

Your proposal must be expressed in English language and valid for a minimum period 60 days.

About MMC

The Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) is a leading source for independent and high-quality data, research, analysis and expertise on mixed migration. MMC aims to increase understanding of mixed migration, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to inform evidence-based protection responses for people on the move and to stimulate forward thinking in public and policy debates on mixed migration. MMC’s overarching focus is on human rights and protection for all people on the move. MMC focuses on 7 core regions, with regional teams in each of these: East and Southern Africa, North Africa, West Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe. Read more about MMC here:

Since 2014, MMC has been implementing its flagship 4Mi project, which aims to offer a regular, standardized, quantitative system of collecting primary data on mixed migration to establish a solid evidence base on the needs and protection incidents facing people on the move. 4Mi consists of a unique network of field enumerators situated along frequently used routes and in major migratory hubs. Field enumerators are trained and closely supervised and use a smart phone-based survey application to record and transmit completed interviews to regional 4Mi hubs for storage and analysis. 4Mi uses standard closed question surveys to invite respondents to anonymously self-report on a wide range of issues, including migratory drivers, means of movement, conditions of movement, the smuggler economy, aspirations and destination choices, and protection incidents. Over the years, in Eastern and Southern Africa, 4Mi has been active and has implemented data collection in Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Read more about 4Mi here:

Building upon its expertise in deploying a globally standardized survey with people on the move, the 4Mi project has also developed a survey to administer with returnees. MMC has implemented a project in Afghanistan interviewing more than 2,000 returnees in early 2021. The consolidated outcomes[1] of these interviews provided a unique insight in return motivators, obstacles and needs after arrival. The returnee survey covers the migration drivers, return journeys and return drivers, reintegration dynamics and remigration aspirations of respondents.


Children and youth on the move

In East and Southern Africa, children and youth make up 28.2% of migrants, compared to 15% at the global level. Children and youth represent nearly half (47%) of migrants from East Africa around the world, and the figure does not capture significant internal mobility, including IDPs and large numbers of rural to urban migrants. Children and youth on the move are vulnerable to a variety of risks, including physical and sexual violence, trafficking and exploitation, harmful work, significantly impacting their psychological wellbeing. The lack of comprehensive data and analysis at country and regional level increases vulnerability of children and hinders the development of relevant, evidence based and responsive policy and programs. To address these knowledge gaps, MMC has partnered with Save the Children International to conduct research as part of its East African Migration Routes programme in Ethiopia. MMC seeks to implement its 4Mi Core survey in Ethiopia with a focus on adults travelling with children, and youth. Data would be collected across Addis Ababa, Metema, Moyale and Dire Dawa (locations to be confirmed).


In Early 2022, the Federal Government of Ethiopia signed a new agreement with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) on the return of over 100,000 Ethiopian migrants this year from KSA, going into effect at the end of March. In addition to returns from KSA, Ethiopia receives returnees from Yemen through IOM’s voluntary humanitarian return programme (VHR), returnees from Djibouti and Somalia where IOM facilitates assisted voluntary returns (AVR), as well as so-called spontaneous returnees who have made return journeys from various countries on their own. While data are available on the numbers and to some extent the experiences and needs within each of these categories of returnees, there is a gap in data and research which cuts across the various returnee categories and a scarcity of quantitative data on spontaneous returnees in returns research. Moreover, more research in needed into re-migration and mobility decision-making across the various categories of returnees, to understand the broader, perhaps circular, migration dynamics of which return segments are a part. MMC, as part of the UK-funded Ethiopia Migration Programme to address unsafe and irregular migration through and from Ethiopia, seeks to pilot and implement its 4Mi Returnee survey to inform on return and reintegration dynamics. Data would be collected in Addis Ababa.

Objectives of the consultancy

DRC/MMC is looking for a data-collection partner in Ethiopia to implement the 4Mi Core and the 4Mi Returnee survey.

Specifically, the consultant is expected to:

  1. support in gaining authorizations for data collection
  2. recruit, contract and supervise a network of enumerators in line with quality SOPs
  3. organize and facilitate trainings to enumerators
  4. ensure 375 valid 4Mi Core surveys, and 500 valid 4Mi Returnee surveys, are collected
  5. ensure methodological guidelines are applied for both surveys
  6. liaise with the MMC focal point throughout all stages of data collection.

Methodology and timeline

The following table outlines the responsibility of the partner in the data collection process, and the support MMC will provide, over the consultancy’s timeframe.

Estimated start date of consultancy: September 26, 2022

Estimated end date of consultancy: January 1, 2023


  1. Brief inception report (5 pages max) outlining the operating modalities
  2. Raw, valid, data from 500 4Mi Returnee surveys with Ethiopian returnees collected in Ethiopia
  3. Raw, valid, data from 375 4Mi Core surveys with migrant and refugee caregivers and youth transiting through and to Ethiopia.

Payment timeline

40% on brief inception report

60% on delivery of 500 validated 4Mi Returnee surveys and 375 validated 4Mi Core surveys

Reporting arrangement

The assessment shall be completed in close cooperation with MMC Eastern and Southern Africa. The primary contact point for the consultant will be Flannery Dyon, 4Mi Project Manager.

It is anticipated that the consultant will be in regular contact with the primary contact point according to a timetable that will be finalized during the inception phase. The contact point will take responsibility for ensuring timely responses to drafts and inputs to the consultant.

Job Requirements



  • At least 5 years’ experience in a similar research role with an academic institution or NGO, preferably working with mixed migration issues.
  • Ability to independently carry out data collection in Ethiopia and expertise with data collection specifically using a survey tool.
  • Proven experience with variety of research methods and methodologies.
  • A proven knowledge and understanding (e.g. through prior publications or data collection) of mixed migration dynamics in Ethiopia.
  • Experience working with national NGO partners and local/government authorities
  • Willingness to travel to and work in insecure environments
  • Familiarity with the MMC 4Mi Methodology.
  • Ability to manage stress, multi-task and take decisions.


  • Fluent English
  • Depending on location, fluency in one of Tigrigna, Amharic, Somali are required.


  • Previous experience with 4Mi methodology and data
  • Previous experience with MMC
  • Experience using phones or tablets to collect data
  • Ethiopia-based consultant, research group, or organization strongly preferred.


Commitments: DRC has a Humanitarian Accountability Framework and a Code of Conduct (CoC) Mechanism, outlining its global accountability commitments and measures with regard to behaviour of staff. All staff are required to contribute to the achievement of the framework and the CoC Mechanism (


MMC/DRC will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical (80%) and financial (20%) feasibility.

MMC/DRC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.

Only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their understanding of the consultancy services.


For the award of this project, MMC/DRC has established evaluation criteria which govern the selection of offers received. The offer will be evaluated using the following criteria, and points will be allocated in the scale from 1-10 for each of the criteria stipulated below, whereas the weighting is as follows:

  • 40% – Cover letter, demonstrating the capacity and experience to independently carry out data collection in Ethiopia
  • 30% – CV including references of previous relevant research and data collection exercises
  • 30% – Proposed workplan of activities and deliverables

How to Apply

How to apply

Interested applicants who meet the required experience and qualifications are invited to submit the following documents to: no later than 13 September 2022, 23:30 (GMT +3) and specify the subject‘’RFQ-RO01-001881-Consultancy for: MMC 4Mi Data Collection in Ethiopia’’

  • Cover Letter, highlighting the capacity and experience to independently carry out data collection in Ethiopia
  • CV including references of previous relevant research and data collection exercises
  • Proposed workplan of activities and deliverables
  • Annex A2 Financial proposal providing total cost of service fees in USD
  • Breakdown of the budget, which shall cover all costs over the course of the consultancy including A. Consultancy fees – daily and total, B. Data collection/analysis costs, C. Travel costs, D. Miscellaneous.
  • Annex B (Tender and Contract award acknowledgement certificate
  • Annex C (DRC general conditions of contract) in attached documents acknowledged and signed.
  • Annex D (supplier code of conduct) in attached documents acknowledged and signed.
  • Annex E (Supplier registration form) completed and signed.

Please find complete Bidding documents in the following link: RFP-RO01-001881 – Consultancy for Data Collection on Mixed Migration in Ethiopia

Sep 13, 2022 


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