IMF Claimed to Be Assisting Ethiopia in Renegotiating its Debt, Amidst Conflict

According to a Financial Post article, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is providing technical advice to Ethiopia’s creditor committee working on debt restructuring and will hold additional discussions with authorities on the country’s proposed reforms and potential IMF financial assistance.

During June 13-17, 2022, an IMF staff team led by Sonali Jain-Chandra visited Ethiopia for a technical staff visit with Ethiopian authorities.

The goal was to talk about the authorities’ reform plans and economic developments, which could be useful for a future mission to negotiate a potential new Fund program.

The spokesperson who spoke with the newsite did not provide any information on the timing of a potential mission, which Ethiopia’s finance minister said was expected in September.

The interal conflict that has erupted around the borders of Ethiopia’s northern Tigray may give a pause to the Fund’s work, but the informant stated that IMF will continue to work closely to provide needed technical support to the work of the creditor committee by building on the staff visit in June.


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