Bruh financial education center launches services

Bruh Finance, a financial service company dedicated to delivering professional development to the Ethiopian financial sector through education and training, has launched its services on Thursday.

The launching program was held at The Hub Hotel around Bole area.

Bruh Finance has partnered with local institutions such as Association of Ethiopian Insurers, Ethiopian Bankers Association, and international ones such as Chartered Insurance Institute, The London Institute of Banking & Finance, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, and GB & Co Chartered Accountants and Management Consultancy, to mention a few.

“A big skill gap and shortage of trained human power are observable in insurance and capital market,” said Getachew Beshahwred, General Manager of Bruh Finance. “Bruh Finance will ease the skill gap, particularly in this time we’ve to hasten the knowledge expansion in a bid to be competitive with international financial institutions, which are going to join the local financial market.”

Bruh Finance will provide various education and training schemes in certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Chartered programs, according to Getachew. Junior, middle and senior levels managers will be part of the training.

Certificate of training will be provided along with Chartered Insurance Institute in 12 months in General Insurance, Insurance Underwriting and Insurance Claims Management courses. The same will be applied to the Banking courses.

Certificates of International Trade and Finance and Retail Banking courses, among others are to be delivered. Furthermore, Certificate in Securities program will be provided to support the Capital Market establishment in Ethiopia.

Getachew expects lack of skills and trained human power problems would be eased in the upcoming two years.

Though when and how the foreign financial institutions will join the Ethiopian market is not yet clearly stipulated it’s expected that these companies could join the market through minority interest rate, subsidiary, and joint venture schemes, he said.

“We’ve to be ready despite what the government could decide pertaining to how and when the companies will join the local market through its policies,” Getachew stressed.


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