US to grants $55 billion to Africa

US President Joe Biden pledged $55 billion in aid to Africa over the next three years.

This came during the closing ceremony of the US-African Summit in Washington.

The US President expressed his keenness to travel to Africa, after being invited by the leaders of several African countries.

Biden supports Africa with invitations to represent it in the G20 and the Security Council
Partnership not dependency.

The American-African summit corrects the path and corrects the pitfalls Biden said: “I am eager to visit your continent (Africa) because I told some of you who invited me to your countries.”

The US president also called for granting the African Union permanent membership in the G-20.

Biden announced that he would support the African Union’s accession to the G20 as a permanent member, as part of Washington’s efforts to strengthen relations with a region that has fallen behind other priorities in recent years.

“It took a long time to bring up the matter, but it is time,” he added.

South Africa is currently the only African member of the G-20. The African Union consists of 55 member states.

“Africa is part of the negotiations in every room, in every room where global challenges are discussed, in every institution where discussions take place,” he added.

Biden said at a summit of US and African leaders that his country is looking forward to increasing cooperation in all fields.

“Africa is part of the negotiations in every room, in every room where global challenges are discussed, and in every institution where discussions take place,” he said.

Leaders of 49 African countries and the African Union gathered in Washington this week for a three-day summit starting on Tuesday that will focus on climate change, food security, trade partnerships and other issues.

Biden’s statements and the holding of the summit aim to consider the United States a partner of African countries in light of competition with China, which has sought to expand its influence in these countries by financing infrastructure projects on the continent and elsewhere.

China’s trade volume with Africa is about four times that of the United States. Beijing has become an important lender by offering lower-interest loans, often with opaque terms and collateral requirements, than those offered by Western banks.

By adding the African Union to the Group of Twenty major economies, one of the world’s fastest growing regions will have a voice in the group.

An African Union seat in the G-20 may help some African countries, many of which are not currently eligible for debt remediation under the G-20 plan, to advance their interests


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