Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia

Addia Ababa, EN, 13 February, 2023

Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia.

Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia.Eritrean President accuses the US of supporting the rebels in Ethiopia.

Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki has accused the United States of supporting Tigray rebels during the recent civil war in northern Ethiopia.

In an interview with the local media yesterday, the president said that the United States helped the rebels not to be defeated in the peace agreement signed between Ethiopia and the People’s Liberation Front of Tigray (TPLF).

The peace agreement signed in South Africa last November left thousands of citizens dead and millions more. It is remembered that he brought an end to the two-year civil war that led to the worst humanitarian aid.

In the interview, President Isaias admitted for the first time that hundreds of thousands of people have died in the conflict, although he refrained from detailing the damage inflicted on Eritreans.

Since last December, TPLF is handing over weapons to the national defense army in Tigray based on the Pretoria peace agreement.


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