EHRC Calls on Worst Citizen Rights in Oromia, Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, ET, 15 February 2023:- The safety of citizens in Oromia region has reached the worst level- Ethipian Human Rights Commission

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has announced the brutal killing of displaced persons living in Ano town, East Welega zone, Oromia region.

The commission said that it confirmed through the investigation, therw was damage to human life, physical and property attack that targeted IDPs on 3 Feb, 2023.

On the said day, starting at 6:00 in the morning, a large number of armed men dressed in military uniforms, identified by the residents as the Oromo Liberation Army entered to the city of Ano from three directions and killed and injured civilians, looted and destroyed property.

The commission said that confirmed through investigation that the main target of the attack were the displaced people from Gobu Sayo district who were displaced and took shelter in different places of the city.

In the city since 2022, It has been stated that more than 10 thousand people have displaced due to the conflicts that have occurred in the area since then.

And also at least 50 people, one oromia region higher official including his driver, city police and members of the Kebele militia, were killed in the attack by the militants in this city.

Among the dead, 42 victims were evacuees who lived in a shelter for displaced people and mixed with the host community, as well as residents who were said to support the government.

The report stated that the gunmen walked door to door in the area known as ‘Monday Market’ and killed the displaced people, especially the Amhara ethnic minorities at the area.

In addition, the militants attacked a compound that was used as a shelter for the elderly, women and children.

They killed the male evacuees who were unable to escape and set them on fire.

The limited government security forces in the city were trying to stop the attacks, but the militants were outnumbered by the government security forces and the attack was planned and prepared.

On the other hand, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission confirmed that eight youths were killed by the security forces after the army recaptured the city on suspicion of “collaborating with militants”.

Chief Commissioner Dr. Daniel Bekele said, “The main victims of the ongoing conflict in the Oromia region are civilians who are vulnerable in various ways.

According to the investigations carried out by the commission at various times, it has been announced that the safety of citizens in the Oromia region is reaching at worse level.

The commission calls on all parties to refrain from targeting civilians and civilian property, and for the government to conduct a criminal investigation and ensure accountability for the attacks.


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