EU promises to finance Ethiopia’s eGovernment Strategy

Ethiopia is developing a five years eGovernment strategic plan.

European Union in Ethiopia told Ethio Negari, EU is providing support for the preparation of a five-year eGovernment Strategy.

And also its a corresponding Government Enterprise Architecture that would enable the Government of Ethiopia provide result-oriented, efficient, citizen-centric, secured, and integrated eGovernment services.

With an end objective of developing an eGovernment Strategy that is going to be fully in line with the digital visions of Ethiopia, the project would first conduct a rigorous baseline assessment to study the scope, achievements, lessons learnt and limitations of the previous eGovernment strategies/plans with a specific focus on learning and points of departure.

The eGovernment strategy will be designed with the key focus of establishing the facilitation of effective delivery of government services to citizens, businesses, and others in Ethiopia.

Ms Sanne Willems, Team Leader from the EU Delegation to Ethiopia said that, emphasised the need for a strong coordination between all stakeholders to make the strategy a success and that the EU will remain steadfast in supporting Ethiopia achieve its goals in improving the business environment and investment climate.

Huria Ali, State Minister of Innovation and Technology on her part underlined the new eGovernment strategy will allow different government entities to work together, share resources, collaborate for the same cause and define an eGovernment models that supports a delivery of the whole government service to citizens.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MInT) is the main counterpart while the project will ensure other Ministries, Departments and Agencies would also have an active role in shaping the strategy and roadmap. 

EU’s support to the preparation of the eGovernment Strategy is part of the comprehensive EU support to the Home Grown Economic Reform agenda.

It represents a component of the Partner Country Window Ethiopia of the regional programme “Support to Job Creation and the Investment Climate” in favour of Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean.

The plan will be implemented in coherence with a Technical Assistance programme to supporting regulatory reforms, the establishment of e-governance systems, and developing public-private dialogue.


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