Cholera kills 84 people in Ethiopia

 It has been six months since the outbreak of cholera in Ethiopia and people have lost their lives, according to the Ethiopian Public Health Institute.

According to the information released by the Ethiopian branch of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on its official Twitter page, since August 2022, more than 5,500 people have infected of cholera in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian government has identified 118 highly affected areas and has established 41 cholera treatment centers

The areas where the problem is mainly seen are Somali, Southern region, Oromia, Amhara and Tigray regions.

The organization added that, more than 35,000 people reached with clean drinking water and 5,000 citizens vaccinated with oral cholera vaccine,

OCHA stressed that cholera, which causes acute diarrhea, is spread by consuming contaminated food or drink, so caution should be taken.

In Ethiopia, diarrhea or acute diarrhea and vomiting are frequent health problems.


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