Kuwait plans to hire Ethiopians amidst diplomatic cuts with Philippines

Kuwait, the oil-rich Middle Eastern country, has reached an agreement with the government to accept Ethiopian workers who have undergone three months of mandatory training.

Following an agreement reached by the governments of Ethiopia and Kuwait the Arab Times reports that a joint labor agreement will be signed in a few days.

After the agreement, about 600 labor liaison agencies in Ethiopia will work by providing manpower.

Ethiopian workers are required to undergo at least 3 months of training from an accredited institution.

Kuwait receives the largest number of domestic workers from Philippines and following the tension between the two countries, the country is facing a labor shortage and plans to accept Ethiopian workers.

According to the agreement between the Government of Ethiopia and the Government of Kuwait an employee is to be paid 90 Kuwaiti dinars or 300 dollars per month, this is close to 16 thousand Ethiopian Birr at the current exchange rate.

In the future, the monthly payment may be increased up to 500 dollars based on the workers acceptance in Kuwait.

Ethiopian government has previously stated that agreement works have been started with Beirut, Asian and European countries, including Kuwait to send more workers abroad.

Ethiopia has a good experience in providing workers to Middle Eastern countries, and sending 500 thousand citizens to Saudi Arabia alone has started three months before.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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