Addis Ababa University won nine EU projects

Addis Ababa University won nine of the seventeen researches and educational excellence centers projects supported by the European Union.

In addition, the results of two project proposals will be known in the next few months.

In Cape Town, South Africa, in November 2022, ARUA and Guild university presidents met and decided to establish research and education excellence centers supported by the European Union.

Accordingly, several proposals have been submitted by various universities and 17 centers of excellence have been established based on the evaluation conducted in Brussels, Belgium in the last two consecutive days.

Addis Ababa University won nine of these Center of Excellence projects and the university will receive millions of euros for winning the projects.

At the signing ceremony, Addis Ababa University President Professor Tasew Woldehana said that, this result will benefit Addis Ababa University and the country.

He also thanked the university’s strong researchers who contributed to this result, as well as the Ethiopian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium.


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