OLF militant kidnaps several people in the vicinity of Addis Ababa

Several numbers of people have been abducted by OLF militants in Sululta sity under the recently established Sheger City Administration.

The residents explained that, in recent times in Sululta sub-city, similar acts have been carried out by the armed group that calls itself the Oromo Liberation Army and classified as a terrorist by the government as “Oneg Shene”.

“A week ago, more than 20 people were abducted by Shene militants from the area of   Kdananemhret Church in Sululta sub-district in one night only,” one resident said to Addis Maleda media.

He mentioned that, on the day the people were taken away, the security forces could not reach and shoot them because they did not hear any sound of weapons.

On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, an unknown number of people were also have been taken hostage in the evening.

The whereabouts of the people who were taken are still unknown and the kidnappers are negotiating to bring ransom and let them go.

The residents added that, the armed group has been moving widely in the area and other bordering districts in recent times.  He explained that the fight is not with another party, but with kidnapping innocent citizens and asking for money.

Mr. Tagel Melese, who is the head of Sululta sub-city’s peace and security sector, was repeatedly asked and failed to respond.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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