The first “husbands school” starts teaching in Ethiopia

The school is providing training for male family members in southern Ethiopia.

A husbands school opened in Sidama region with the support of the Save the Children organization to train husbands in child care, cooking, hygiene and other services.

Save the children said that, the training is being given to male family members to enable them to fully understand their role in the process of managing their families and to perform them with confidence and efficiency.

Elyas Kassaye, manager of the Hawassa area office at Save the Children, said, “In these centers, training is being given to male family members (mainly husbands) in cooking, house keeping, child care and other household chores.”

All male family members (husbands, fathers and brothers) will be included in the training of husbands, and as an option for husbands, if a female trainee who is included in the skill development program is unmarried, we will give the training to her father/brother, he added

According to the manager, the main reason for the need to provide training under the name of husbands’ school is that housework and child care are considered to be women’s work in most parts of our society and it is seen in practice.

The manager added that, the main focus of husbands’ school training is to make men the primary actors in family management.


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