Ethiopia requests to join BRICS

Ethiopia has announced that it has submitted a request to join the group of countries called “BRICS” which was founded in 2009.

The international institution was jointly founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa and its headquarter is Shanghai, China.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Meles Alem, stated in his weekly statement that Ethiopia is the founder of many international institutions.

And also Ethiopia is a country with strong participation in the movement and founding of the United Nations, African Union, and other independent institutions.

Therefore, the government will work as a member of international institutions that help ensure Ethiopia’s national interest in view of the changing world situation and power distribution.

“One of these institutions is ‘BRICS’, a request has been made by the Ethiopian government, we think it will get a positive response, and we will monitor it,” said the spokesperson.

BRICS countries have contributed 50 percent to global economic growth over the past decade, making the group a leading influencer in global economic development, according to data.

For example, 42 percent of the world’s population is citizens of member countries of this group, and they are in the process of accepting more member countries.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, and other countries have officially applied to join BRICS and are expected to receive a response soon.

BRICS is expected to host its annual summit in August in South Africa.

BRICS, which was established to challenge the Western world system, is expected to announce a new world trade and cooperation platform.


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