Internet blockade costs Ethiopia more than 7 billion birr

Ethiopia deprived more than seven billion birr due to internet blockade

Since last February, Ethiopia has restricted Internet access on some social media.

Ethiopia blocks TikTok, Telegram, Facebook and YouTube in all part of the country.

As a result of the Internet ban, Ethiopia has lost 7.6 billion birr income, according to the Center for the Development of Rights and Democracy.

“Since 2008, internet blockade is a problem that has been getting worse in Ethiopia,” the center said.

The Internet blockades signaled that democracy and the development of digital technology were against it.

The center also stated that, the government’s ban on major social media platforms in Ethiopia has no legal basis.

The disconnection of internet connection is not getting attention and stripping the values ​​of human rights as well as human rights and freedoms protected by the constitution.

In this way, more than $140.2 million of economic losses due to the restrictions imposed on internet services.

The center also announced in the report that it caused a loss of $27.8 million in the foreign direct product market and 2,372 citizens lost their jobs.

Whereas Internet outages disrupt modern businesses and cost the economy millions of dollars every day, the center added.

The center also said that, the people of Ethiopia should oppose the disconnection of the Internet.

And also pointed out that, the organization is trying to lift the restriction of access to information imposed by the government.

In a statement issued by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, the government’s restrictions on the Internet violate citizens’ right to freedom of expression.

The commission also urged the government to lift the internet restrictions imposed on certain social media five months ago.


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