Russia plans to build Lada car factory in Egypt

The Russian-made Lada car was preferred in Ethiopia and other African countries.

Russian Lada cars, which have dominated the market for years, are gradually disappearing from the world and African markets.

The company said that it stopped supplying the African markets due to the waning of Russian influence and market competition due to the Cold War.

Following Russia’s desire to back to African markets, the company returned months ago after looking at favorable conditions in Ethiopia and other African cities.

During their visits in Ethiopia, the officials of the company had a discussion with the officials and experts of the industrial parks.

However, Russia Today reported that, the company decided to make its headquarters in Egypt following the Russian-African summit held in Petersburg.

According to the company’s president, Maxim Sokolov, Egypt has been chosen as the Lada vehicle factory hub and distribution center.

The company will implement its plan to resume the African market by exporting its products from Egypt to the rest African States.

President Vladimir Putin said that, Russia is interested in increasing trade, investment and other relations with African countries.


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