Ethiopia completes filling of Africa biggest dam on Nile river.

Ethiopia completes filling of Africa biggest dam on Nile river.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that, the fourth and final filling of the Great Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been completed.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced the completion of the fourth and final filling of the Renaissance Dam with great joy.

In the message posted by the Prime Minister on his social media pages, “Congratulations to everyone who participated in the work with their money, knowledge, energy and prayers. This cooperation should be repeated in our other issues as well,” he said.

The total construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which started 12 years ago, have reached 91 percent.

This dam, which is being built at the government’s expense and all Ethiopians is the largest hydro electric power project in Africa, has a capacity to generate 5,200 megawatts of power.

Two turbines of the Renaissance Dam, each with a capacity of 350 MW, have been generating power since March 2021.

The dam has cost more than 180 billion birr so far and it needs extra 60 billion birr to complete the remaining construction.

The Renaissance Dam will be fully completed in 2025, and more than 40 billion cubic meters of water is currently in the dam.


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