Human rights body concerns on Extra judicial killing in Amhara, Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has announced that, since April 2023, there has been a security problem in the Amhara region.

According to the commission, the security crisis in the region has led to armed conflict, and the killing and abuse of innocent citizens has continued.

In particular, in August many innocent people were killed and injured in different areas of the Amhara region.

Many civilians were killed in the conflict in Debremarkos town in the East Gojam zone, Adet and Marawi in the North Gojam zone, Debre Tabor in the South Gondar zone, Delgi in the Central Gondar zone, Majete, Showa Robit, and Antsokia cities in the North Showa zone and some rural villages in their vicinity.

Also, the commission announced that the number of citizens who suffered physical injuries and property damage is also increasing.

The commission said extrajudicial killings by government security forces are very serious. From July to September 10, 2023, especially in Adet, Debremarkos, Debre Tabor, Jigga, Lemi, Majete, Marawi, Merto le Maryam, and Showa Robit cities, has committed many extrajudicial killings by government security forces.

He pointed out that the killings were people arrested during house-to-house searches, unarmed people who were found on the street during the conflict, people who were arrested for “hiding weapons and bringing them back”, as well as civilians who were found to have violated the curfew and arrested Fano members.

Extrajudicial killings should be fully investigated by the Commission and the Emergency Investigation Board, the human rights body said.

In its follow-up up to the time the commission released this statement injuries to civilians, extrajudicial killings, and arbitrary detention are grave concerns.

Therefore, actions taken by any side should be completely avoided from targeting civilians or infrastructure.

The commission also called for appropriate protection for civilians, including prevention of disruption of social and economic activities.

The commission also requested that rights that cannot be restricted under any circumstances, especially the right to life and the right to be protected from inhumane treatment, be respected.

The EHRC urged that the necessary investigations be carried out on the parties involved in the killing of innocent people and arbitrary arrests.


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