EU urges Ethiopia to take immediate action on human rights violations

The European Union is concerned about the worsening crime and human rights violations in Ethiopia.

EU’s foreign affairs commissioner Joseph Borrell, said that the Ethiopian government should take immediate action.

Justice and accountability are the conditions for the relationship between the Union and Ethiopia to be gradually normalized, he said on his X former Twitter account.

Ethiopia’s human rights situation was recently presented at the United Nations General Assembly and the country is facing serious charges.

The International Commission on Human Rights, established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, has submitted its report.

Mohamed Chande Otoman, an expert on the investigative team, said that since we disclosed the situation in Ethiopia to the United Nations Humanitarian Council last year, human rights have continued to worsen in the country.

The expert explained the crimes and human rights violations that continued in the Tigray region.

He added that the commission is concerned about the deteriorating situation in the Amhara region beyond Tigray.

After the declaration state of emergency last month, they stated that human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and mass arrests are taking place against innocent Amhara people.

Mohammad added that the ongoing violation of international law is a continuation of the massive violation that began in November 2021 and called for an urgent, honest, and inclusive process of justice, truth, and reconciliation.

Ethiopia, which responded to the report, denied the allegations.

Ethiopia’s permanent representative in Geneva, Ambassador Tsaga’ab Kebebew, said that it is unfortunate that the commission did not consider the peace measures taken by Ethiopia after the Pretoria Agreement. He also criticized the way of investigation.

The ambassador called the report “degraded it as political and dismissed it as “false and deceitful.”

The Ambassador also criticized the commission for presenting a negative “social network rumor” about the situation in the Amhara region.

Ethiopia has asked the International Human Rights Commission to disband the Ethiopian Steering Group after completing its assigned work period.


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