Itel Mobile donates 500,000 birr to Ethiopia’s charity organization

Itel, a leading global mobile phone brand, announced its latest CSR initiative, Love Always in Ethiopia which today provided support and resources to locally based Muday charitable organization with more than 500 students under its care, the support included a range of school and hygiene material worth more than half a million birr.

The ceremony took place at the premises of the Muday Charitable Association, attended by itel Ethiopia’s brand manager, as well as the esteemed Muday Mitiku, founder and president of the Muday Charitable Association. The event marked a significant milestone in itel’s commitment to giving back to society and uplifting underserved communities.

itel’s Love Always CSR initiative aims to improve education standards, recognizing their importance in promoting overall well-being and empowering future generations. As part of its dedication to supporting education, itel donated a variety of school materials to enhance the learning experience for students of the Muday Charitable Association. These materials include textbooks, and stationery sets among other items providing students with the necessary tools to thrive academically.

In addition to educational support, itel is committed to improving the hygienic conditions in communities. The Love Always CSR initiative also included the donation of a range of hygiene materials. These items, such as soap, hand sanitizers, and liquid shops, will play a crucial role in promoting proper hygiene practices among students and staff, particularly in the current global health climate.

itel Ethiopia’s brand Manager Mr. Eamon Jia expressed gratitude to the Muday Charitable Association for their unwavering dedication to providing education and care to underserved communities. The support by itel to Muday Charitable Association is a testament to their shared vision of improving lives and creating a better future for all.

Muday Mitiku, founder and president of the Muday Charitable Association, expressed sincere appreciation for the generosity and support extended by itel. She emphasized the transformative impact that these resources will have on the lives of the students, stating, “Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. With itel’s support, we can now provide better learning opportunities and create a brighter future for our children.”

The Love Always CSR initiative by itel showcases the brand’s commitment to social responsibility and dedication to making a positive difference in communities worldwide. itel continues to set an example for businesses by actively participating in philanthropic endeavors that help empower those in need.


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