Ethiopia plans to import onion from Sudan

Following the security crisis in various areas of Ethiopia, there is a shortage of basic food supplies.

The people are being affected by skyrocketing inflation and the price increase due to the lack of production.

Addis Ababa Trade Bureau has announced plans to import onions from a war-torn country, Sudan to solve the shortage of onions in the city.

Since last 15 April 2023 , Sudan has been in a civil war between the Sudan National Army and a paramilitary group called Sudan Special Forces.

The office has announced that due to the increase in the price of onions in connection with the holidays, there are works being done as a solution to the regular increase in the price of vegetables.

Addis Ababa trade office Director of Communications Affairs, Mr. Sewunet Ayele, said that works are being done to solve the price inflation that has occurred in the regular market.

He mentioned that activities are being done in connection with consumer cooperatives, especially on the Sunday market, and that efforts are being made to import onions from various countries, including Sudan, into the city.

The bureau has allocated 1.4 billion birr budget to import onions from abroad and to support consumer cooperatives.

He pointed out that the increase in the price of vegetables is due to the supply not matching the demand and illegal trade.

Last week in Addis Ababa, one kilo of onion was selling up to 120 birr and currently, it is selling at 70-100 birr per kg.

In Ethiopia, especially in the Oromia, Amhara and Tigray regions, security problems are affecting the lives of citizens and increasing the cost of living.

In addition, the federal government’s plan to produce wheat on a large scale is another reason for the lack of production.


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