Smart Data Centre Technology Forum Kicks off in Addis Ababa

With a focus on smart and low-carbon data centers, the Smart Data Centre Technology Forum has been held in Addis Ababa in collaboration with Huawei Ethiopia and IE Network Solutions.

The event discussed the latest trends, new opportunities, demands, and challenges for the data center industry in the AI computing era and shared cutting-edge technologies and innovative practices for green data centers. It brought together leaders and experts from government agencies, the BFSI industry, as well as international institutions and stakeholders.

Mr. Dylan Chen, Executive Director, Huawei Congo Digital Power Business, remarked in his opening speech that “as the core foundation of the digital economy and intelligent world, the data center industry is embracing a record boom. To cope with challenges of traditional data centers such as long construction periods, high energy consumption, difficult O&M, and low reliability, Huawei integrates digital and power electronics technologies to build green, simple, smart, and reliable data center facilities for our customers and eco partners.”

Mr. Robel Getachew, the business development manager of IE Network Solutions, mentioned in his part that Huawei and IE Network Solutions are working together to provide, since 2020, efficient power supply solutions and cooling solutions to help customers and eco-partners build low-carbon and smart data centers.

Mr. Chris Zhong, Huawei Data Centre Facility Solution Director, on his hand presented regarding Huawei Data Centre Facility and Critical Power Solutions, including Fusion Module 2000 and Fusion Module 800/500 small/medium-sized modular data center solutions, and Small SmartLi UPS.

According to Mr. Chris, Fusion Module Series Solutions are built to meet the demands of education, government, finance, and retail customers who are looking for smaller and greener modular data centers. with green, simplified, and reliable features. He also mentioned that the Fusion Module minimizes environmental needs with a small footprint, low height, and low weight. SmartLi UPS Solution, a green power supply solution integrated with SmartLi, is to meet customers’ ever-evolving needs. ensuring a simplified, fast, and worry-free deployment.

Some of the participants mentioned that smart modular data centers have a critical role in digital transformation and that the products introduced in the program will fill the technology gap and streamline their operations. They also expressed their happiness that the technologies would be developed by local companies.

Digitalization and low-carbonization are two major trends. In the future, Huawei and IE will continue to work with customers and partners to build low-carbon, smart data centers and help Ethiopia boost green ICT growth and accelerate digital transformation in the country.


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