Global Non-Aligned Movement Summit Commences in Uganda

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), established in 1961, emerged as a pivotal force aimed at steering the world away from the tensions of the Cold War.

With a membership comprising 120 countries, the movement seeks to collectively combat the oppression faced by developing nations, advocate for anti-colonial struggles, and foster the creation of independent countries.

Headquartered in Belgrade, Serbia, the NAM, boasting a significant number of member countries, stands as a major international organization following the United Nations.

NAM was headquartered in Eastern Europe, the former Yugoslavia and currently capital of Serbia, Belgrade.

The founding leaders who played instrumental roles in establishing the organization included former Yugoslavian President Joseph Tito, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru, Egypt’s Gamal Nasser, Ghana’s Kwame Nkurumah, and Indonesia’s Sukarno.

Convening annually, the NAM held its inaugural conference in Havana under the leadership of former Cuban President Fidel Castro.

The ongoing 19th annual conference is currently underway in Kampala, Uganda, having commenced last Monday, with the leader’s summit scheduled to take place starting today.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is among the prominent figures attending the conference in Kampala.

In a recent update on his X account, he shared that he engaged with Kenyan President William Ruto on the sidelines of the conference.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed highlighted during the conference that landlocked countries face challenges in meeting the needs of their people, emphasizing Ethiopia’s commitment to addressing these challenges through collaboration.

The conference, hosting leaders and representatives from 120 countries, has attracted over 4,000 guests to Kampala.

The agenda of the summit is comprehensive, addressing issues such as global economic stagnation, geopolitical tensions, terrorism, and the imperative for international cooperation.

As the world grapples with multifaceted challenges, the Non-Aligned Movement stands as a platform for dialogue and collaboration, fostering unity among nations striving for independence and equitable development.

The ongoing summit in Uganda serves as a testament to the movement’s enduring relevance in the contemporary global landscape.


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