ERA Reveals 21 road projects delayed due to security issues

In a recent announcement, the Ethiopian Roads Administration revealed that 21 out of the 54 planned road construction projects have been delayed due to security issues stemming from the ongoing war in Ethiopia.

Engineer Mohamed Abdurahman, the Director General of the Ethiopian Roads Administration, presented the 2023/24 year work performance report to the House of Representatives, shedding light on the challenges faced by the administration.

Abdurahman informed the standing committee that, within the past few months, security concerns prevented the implementation of 21 projects.

The overall performance of design works during this period was reported at 57 percent, reflecting a notable decrease. Furthermore, the Director-General highlighted additional factors contributing to project delays.

Delays in foreign currency payments to a foreign consulting firm resulted in setbacks for certain projects. Abdurahman elaborated that, due to various reasons, a total of 84 projects had been terminated, with their contracts entirely canceled. Resource shortages and inflated compensation rates were identified as persistent challenges faced by the institution in recent months.

Despite these setbacks, the report indicated that the Ethiopian Roads Administration exhibited better performance in road maintenance and construction during the reporting period.

The Director General stated that the current total road coverage in Ethiopia has reached 169,450 km.

However, the security situation in Ethiopia has been a major impediment to progress. Over the past five years, the country has faced widespread security problems, leading to the displacement of more than 4.5 million citizens.

The report highlighted that 62 percent of internally displaced persons (IDPs) were forced to leave their homes due to the war.

Tragically, these individuals face challenges accessing medical treatment in the capital, Addis Ababa, as road closures, driven by security concerns, hinder their mobility.

The regions of Benishangul Gumuz, Amhara, Oromia, and Tigray were identified as areas with major security problems.

The conflict in the Amhara region, which prompted a state of emergency last July, even resulted in a complete internet blackout.

Presently, the number of citizens displaced due to both war and drought is increasing, with 4.4 million people in urgent need of food aid, as announced by the Federal Government of Ethiopia.


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