Mobile World Congress 2024 Kicks off in Spain, Barcelona

Huawei and Operators jointly established the “Northern Africa Digital Intelligence Transformation Pioneer Club”

Northern Africa OTF (Operations Transformation Forum) 2024 was successfully held by Huawei during Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, encircling the theme of ” Embracing the New Era of Digital Intelligence Transformation “.

More than 100 executives from delegates of government, operator, industrial organization and analysts in the region had in-depth exchanges on the concepts, models, and practical experience of carriers’ digital intelligence transformation.

At the Forum, Huawei and African operators jointly established the “Northern Africa Digital Intelligence Transformation Pioneer Club”, which marks the opening of a new era of regional digital intelligence transformation.

Bruce XUN, President of Huawei Global Technical Service Department said at the Forum that ”Telecom+AI” will accelerate digital intelligence operation transformation and create new operations mode and new service growth.

In Which, Telecom’s cognition are still the core which including decades of experience, best practices and Telecom knowhow. While digital is the Cornerstone, which is what we’ve been doing in digital operation transformation, including clean & high quality data with suitable platforms and sufficient digital talent.

And AI is now the accelerator including traditional AI and generative AI. We’ve found that only by combining of these three key factors and focusing on effectiveness and addressing the pain points in key scenarios, can we create tangible business value.

Tim BANHAM, Chief Commercial Officer of TM Forum, mentioned in his keynote speech that 73% of the carriers surveyed in 2023 believe that “customer experience and operational efficiency” are the two major factors driving carriers’ digital transformation, and 79% of which have started or massively deployed digital transformation and benefit from the transformation.

Meanwhile, Tim BANHAM introduced the concept of “new technologies + new services + new models = new growth”, which provides valuable reference for regional carriers to implement digital transformation.

Said ARAGAW, Chief Marketing Officer of Ethio telecom, shared the successful practices of the operator in undertaking the country’s digital transformation and development.

Said ARAGAW added that Ethio telecom started with digital payment services, promoted the cloudification of thousands of industries, built a national digital ecosystem, and then has,gradually developed into a national digital transformation enabler.

Terry HE, President of Huawei Northern Africa (North, West & Central Africa), said that Huawei has served the telecom market in Northern Africa for 25 years, always adhered to the vision of “In Africa, for Africa” and focused on customer business success.

Digital intelligence transformation is a key path to support carriers’ growth in the future. Huawei is willing to collaborate closely with all industry partners in the region to embrace the “New Era of Digital Intelligence Transformation in Africa”.

MWC Barcelona 2024 will be held from February 26 to February 29 in Barcelona, Spain. During the event, Huawei will showcase its latest products and solutions at stand 1H50 in Fira Gran Via Hall 1.

With the 2024 commercial launch of 5.5G, Huawei is collaborating with operators and partners around the world to pursue exciting new innovation in networks, cloud, and intelligence. Together, we will drive 5G business and foster a thriving industry ecosystem, creating a new era for intelligent digital transformation.


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