Heavy Fighting Erupts in Amhara Region Capital Bahirdar

Reports from residents indicate that heavy fighting has broken out in Bahirdar, the capital of the Amhara regional state, since this morning.

According to an anonymous resident of Bahirdar, who expressed concern for their safety, gunshots have been echoing since 6 o’clock in the morning.

Residents took precautionary measures, locking themselves inside their homes with their families due to the intensity of the conflict. The gunfire, involving heavy weaponry, persisted until 9 o’clock, leaving residents gripped by fear.

Residents, convinced that the skirmish involved government security forces and Fano militants, reported no significant damages as they remained indoors. They noted a relative calm since midday, indicating a lull in the fighting.

Another anonymous source from the city center of Bahirdar claimed that Fano militants initiated an attack to infiltrate the city overnight.

This attack led to a fierce confrontation with government security forces, resulting in the closure of both public and private institutions. The streets remained deserted, save for ambulances and security vehicles.

Responding to inquiries, Mr. Desalegn Tasew, the head of Amhara Regional Peace and Security, stated that he was currently away from the region on other duties.

However, a statement released by the Regional Communications Office earlier today asserted that Bahirdar and its environs had been cleared of extremist groups, emphasizing the ongoing efforts by defense and regional security forces to restore peace.

Tensions in the Amhara region have escalated since April 2023 when the federal government initiated the reorganization of regional special forces, sparking clashes between government security forces and Fano militants.

In response to the heightened unrest, the House of People’s Representatives declared a state of emergency in the region in July 2023, which has since been extended due to persistent hostilities.

Recent incidents, including a drone attack in the north Shoa zone that claimed 30 lives and wounded 18 individuals, along with the killing of over 80 civilians by Ethiopia’s national army in Merawi city, have drawn condemnation from both local and international human rights organizations.

Calls for an independent investigation into these events have been echoed by the US, UK, and various human rights bodies.

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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