Ethiopia Rejects US Comments on Militants Negotiation in Amhara and Oromia

The US Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ervin J. Massinga, recently visited the US compound in the Mercato area of Addis Ababa.

During his visit, Ambassador Massinga highlighted the historical significance of the American compound, recalling that it served as a refuge for many Ethiopians 87 years ago.

He also urged Ethiopians to learn from their past, stressing the importance of respecting and protecting human rights and dignity, even during times of war and conflict.

He advocated for resolving conflicts in different parts of the country through dialogue to protect innocent people from harm.

Ambassador Massinga specifically addressed the current conflicts in the Oromia and Amhara regions.

He called on the armed forces to resolve their political issues through dialogue, asserting that government measures should not close the door to negotiations.

He demanded an immediate end to the killing of innocents, illegal arrests and disappearances, and conflict-related sexual violence, urging that perpetrators be held accountable through transitional justice.

He highlighted the importance of national consultation and transitional justice in addressing Ethiopia’s current challenges and assured continued American support for these efforts.

The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected Ambassador Massinga’s comments. The ministry stated that the US Ambassador in Addis Ababa delivered a statement titled “Policy Speech on Human Rights and Dialogue,” which contained allegations against the Ethiopian government and unsolicited advice on how to manage the country’s affairs.

The statement referenced groups attempting to overthrow the elected government by force and known for blackmailing, kidnapping, and terrorizing civilians.

The ministry described the statement as ill-advised and containing uninformed assertions, contrary to the historic and friendly relations between Ethiopia and the United States.

Despite these comments, the ministry emphasized that Ethiopia and the United States have maintained close ties and continue to consult on national, regional, and global issues of common concern.

Ethiopia has been open to discussing a wide range of topics with the United States, including efforts toward peace and security, ensuring respect for human rights, and nurturing democracy in the country.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated that it would work with the US Embassy in Addis Ababa to correct factual errors and inconsistencies in Ambassador Massinga’s statement.

The ministry emphasized the importance of diplomatic decorum and suggested finding ways to address issues without undermining democratic processes and peace in the country.

Ethiopia remains committed to a mutually respectful bilateral dialogue and relations with the United States, the ministry added.


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