Preliminary Rounds of 6th Int’l Loving Peace Art Competition in Colombia

– IWPG Global Region 2, House of Peace in Bogota

-Theme of “A heart of peace conveyed to friends suffering from war”

The Colombian branch of the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) Global Region 2 (Regional Director Seo-yeon Lee) announced on the 10th that it held the preliminary round of the 6th International Loving Peace Art Competition on the 1st in Bogota, the capital of Colombia.

The venue where this competition was held was the ‘House of Peace’. The House of Peace strives to achieve peace and helps people who have been harmed by guerrilla groups. Efforts are also being made to reach a peace agreement with guerrilla groups.

The International Loving Peace Art Competition hosted by IWPG provides children and youth with the opportunity to imagine and draw a world of peace every year as part of spreading the culture of peace.

It is held every year in major cities around the world to spread the need for an end to global war and the value of a culture of peace and to deliver a message of peace. The theme of this competition, now in its 6th year, is ‘A heart of peace conveyed to friends suffering from war.’

Participant Jackson Andrés Birocek expressed his thoughts, saying, “For the sake of our friends in war, we must work to stop war,” and “Rather than kidnapping children and inflicting violence on them, we must take care of them with love and teach them peace.”

“Violence and the use of weapons against children must be prohibited in Colombia and in all countries,” said Justin Díaz de Cardoso.

Meanwhile, IWPG is a global women’s NGO registered with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Department of Global Communications (DGC).

It is headquartered in Korea and has over 110 branches and 660 partner organizations around the world. With the vision of ‘realizing sustainable world peace’, we are actively working to establish solidarity, peace culture, women’s peace education, and laws and systems needed in the world.


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