Death Toll from Gofa Landslide Could Reach 500, Says UN

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) has announced that the death toll from the series of landslides in the Gofa zone of southern Ethiopia may reach up to 500.

Based on information received from local authorities, the office indicated that the number of casualties could be as high as 500.

The search for missing persons buried in the landslide, which occurred in Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele, Gofa Zone, Geze Gofa District, has been ongoing for four days, since Sunday, July 21, 2024.

Rescue efforts are continuing despite the adverse weather conditions, including rain. According to UNOCHA, the confirmed death toll has reached 257, and local administrators fear it could rise to 500.

Landslides are common in Ethiopia, especially in the southern regions, but this is the first time such a devastating event has occurred in this area.

Geze Gofa District Administrator Mr. Misikir Meteku reported that the initial landslide affected three families. Tragically, while attempting to rescue these families, many people lost their lives in a subsequent landslide.

Mr. Misikir also noted that women and children, including the district police chief, were among the victims. The state government has requested federal assistance to recover more bodies.

Senior state and federal officials are visiting the disaster site to offer support. Additionally, the Addis Ababa city government has sent humanitarian aid worth 50 million birr to the affected area.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed expressed his condolences on social media, stating, “In Gofa Zone, Geze Gofa District, Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele, a sudden landslide has claimed the lives of many of our citizens; I express my deep sorrow for the terrible damage.”

 He also announced that the Federal Disaster Prevention Task Force has been deployed to the area to mitigate further damage and assist in rescue operations.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), also conveyed his condolences on social media.

“I am saddened by the news from Ethiopia and the death of dozens of people due to the landslide,” he wrote. The WHO team in Ethiopia has been deployed to provide immediate health support to the affected area.

Leaders from many countries have expressed their grief over the disaster and have extended their condolences to the victims and their families.


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