Ethiopia, a rally against and in support of Prime Minister

Today is a day that Prime minister Abiy Ahemd came to power and their is a rally in two biggest regions in support and against to him.

Former Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, resigned in March, 2018 following the popular protests of the EPRDF led government,which was dominated by the TPLF five years ago.

Following this, Abiy Ahmed (PHD) became the Prime Minister of Ethiopia on April 2, 2018, and replaced Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn.

When Prime Minister AbiyAhmed took the oath of office at the House of Representatives, he received thesupport and appreciation of many, but within two years, his support declined.

The Prime Minister has been criticized for not being able to stop the killing of citizens based ontheir identity, the restriction of citizens’ freedom of movement, unjustifiedarrests, and other human rights violations.

Abiy Ahmed and hisgovernment are being criticized for being silent when Ethiopia’s sovereignty isviolated by neighboring countries, for being the reason for the outbreak of warin northern Ethiopia, and for carrying out biased practices against thecommunity.

However, peaceful demonstrationswere held in Amhara and Oromia regions today regarding the day the PrimeMinister came to power.

The rally in Oromia region was aimed at supporting the Prime Minister, while in Amhara region itwas aimed at criticizing the Prime Minister and his government, according tothe messages that the demonstrators took to the streets.

Neither the primeminister nor his government has had anything to do with their work in the past fiveyears.


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