Ethiopia civil society organization’s head resigns

The director of civil society organizations has resigned

Civil Society Organizations Authority Executive Director Mr.Jima Dilbo has announced his resignation.

He said that, prime minister Abiy Ahmed accepted his resignation letter.

Mr Jima Dilbo led Ethiopian civil society organization for more than four years and he didn’t mentioned his reason for his resignation.

Jima Dilbo in a message posted on his social media page that, “I hope that the sector will come out of its doldrums and start contributing to the development of the country and the building of a democratic system, and it will continue to strengthen in the coming years,” he said.

The Director General has been in charge since the Civil Society Organizations Proclamation was revised and the institution was reorganized.

Two weeks before, Birtukan Mideksa a chair person of Ethiopia’s election board submitted her resignation letter to prime minister Abiy Ahmed.

She stated that her reason was health related issue for resignation.


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