Ethiopia and Egypt sets to coincide on GERD in four months

Egypt has invited the leaders of neighboring countries to a discussion aimed at ending the war in Sudan.

Sudan’s neighboring countries, including Ethiopia, went to Cairo to participate in the forum, and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed discussed with President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi.

The leaders of the two countries have discussed about the Great Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the filling of the dam is the main topic of discussion.

Based on this, Ethiopia has no intention of harming Egypt and Sudan regarding the water filling of the dam.

After the discussion, they have agreed to hold further discussions on this issue.

Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan have agreed to come to an agreement on the dispute over the Renaissance Dam and other related issues in their discussions within four months.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, in his explanation at the House of Representatives last week, said that, this year’s water filling of Renaissance Dam has been extended to September.

According to the Prime Minister, Ethiopia extended the water filling of the dam until September to not harm Egypt and Sudan.

After the two down stream countries got enough water volume, the fourth round of GERD filling will proceeds.

The construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which started 12 years ago, have completed 85 percent.


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