Ethiopia agrees to step away from aid distribution

In Ethiopia, various international aid organizations have suspended aid deliveries since last May because of the theft.

Following the cessation of aid, it has been repeatedly reported that refugees and internally displaced persons have lost their lives due to starvation.

At the time, the aid organizations that the federal and state government officials were involved in the theft of aid grain.

In addition to this, the grain saved for the beneficiaries was being sent to a neighboring country, and the federal government rejected the charges brought at the time.

The United States Agency for Development Assistance (USAID) announced today in a statement that it has decided to resume food aid in Ethiopia.

USAID decided to resume its aid after the Ethiopian government agreed that it would not interfere in the distribution of the aid.

However, USAID announced that it has decided to resume the food aid only for refugees resided in Ethiopia.

The organization stated that the Ethiopian government and its partners have made changes in the structure of food aid for refugees and reached this decision.

The government of Ethiopia has decided to stay away from transportation, storage and distribution of food aid to refugees in the country.

Ethiopia is a host country to one million refugees from Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and other areas and the aid is only given to these people.

For Ethiopians in need of humanitarian aid, it has been stated that it will be suspended until a way is established with the Ethiopian government to ensure that the aid reaches only the beneficiaries.

Due to war, drought and other disasters in Ethiopia, the number of victims is increasing every year, and currently more than 25 million people need help, according to a UN report.


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