Ethiopia postpones the third satellite launching period

Ethiopia announced its readiness to install the third earth observation satellite ETRSS-02 in space within months, but it has been delayed.

The Space Science and Geospatial Institute announced three months ago that it will soon launch its third satellite.

However, the institute extended the satellite named ETRSS-02 to be launched in the next two years.

The institute also stated that the satellites that were sent into space with the assistance of China in the past have successfully completed their missions after completing their service period.

Abdisa Yilma, Executive Director of Space Science and Geospatial Institute stated that the government has conducted a financial and economic feasibility study regarding the launch of the third satellite.

He pointed out that the study will take the experience of previous satellites into space and use the data of the next satellite to define other missions clearly.

He said that the information regarding the satellite auction has been entered into the government’s electronic procurement system and an international auction will be issued in the coming months.

Therefore, Ethiopia is preparing to launch its third earth observation satellite named ETRSS-02 within two years, he said.

ETRSS-01, an Earth observation satellite from Ethiopia, was launched from China’s satellite launch site in 2019.

In December 2020, Ethiopia also launched its second Earth observation satellite, ET-Smart-RSS from China.

At the time, the first earth observation satellite would stay in space for two and a half to three years and the second satellite for at least one year.

Accordingly, the director general of the institute said that the two satellites completed their service period and achieved their assigned mission.

They indicated that the ETRSS-01 satellite has been in service for an additional nine months beyond its allotted time.

He also indicated that the removal of the satellite debris will be carried out with partners.

The data obtained from the satellites have been used as inputs for agriculture, tourism, land management, natural resources, disaster risk reduction and other activities.


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