Italy Hands Over the looted homemade aircraft to Ethiopia

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, participating in the Italian-African Leaders Summit in Rome, Italy, announced the acquisition of Ethiopia’s first homemade plane.

According to the Prime Minister, he officially received the first homemade named as “Tsehay” aircraft and looted 82 years before from the Italian government.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Melone has supported the handover of the plane over the past year.

The “Tsehay” aircraft was built in Ethiopia in 1935 by the German engineer and royal pilot, Herr Ludwig Weber Blom, in collaboration with Ethiopian experts of the time.

Italy made two attempts to colonize Ethiopia, with the first failing in the 1880s due to the relentless resistance of Ethiopian patriots.

Despite being expelled, Italy made a second attempt in 1935, but after a five-year struggle, Ethiopian patriots emerged victorious.

During its five-year presence in Ethiopia, Italy plundered numerous artifacts, including the Aksum monument, taking them to Rome. However, Italy has gradually returned these artifacts taken by the former colonizers.

In addition to Italy, Britain also looted Ethiopian heritage, and Ethiopia is in the process of repatriating its looted treasures.

Various Ethiopian artifacts looted from Magdala, northern Ethiopia were returned to the Ethiopian Embassy in London last September.

The Ethiopian Embassy in London announced the return of Ethiopian artifacts looted by Britain in 1868 during Emperor Theodores’ reign.

Among the recovered artifacts are a medicine chest stolen from Magdala in 1868, a lock of Prince Alemayheu’s hair, three trophies made of silver plated with copper, and a shield used in the war at the time.

During the presentation ceremony at the Athenaeum Club in London, Ethiopia’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Teferi Melese, a delegation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church, a representative of the National Heritage Recovery Committee, members of the British Parliament, and invited guests were present.

Ambassador Teferi explained that the repatriated artifacts hold great significance for Ethiopia’s religion, history, and cultural development.


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