Japan Supports IOM’s Flood Response in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia

In line with International Organization for Migration (IOM) Global Appeal 2024, IOM welcomes the Government of Japan support towards the flood response in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia that saw more than 1 million people displaced and 5 million affected.

According to the Kenya Red Cross, El Niño floods have displaced more than 300,000 people resulting in over 181 deaths. More than 17,000 livestock deaths have been reported in different parts of the country since floods began in November 2023.

In addition, over 1,300 businesses and over 25,000 acres of farmland destroyed. Out of Kenya’s 47 counties, 38 were affected, with the highest number of people displaced reported in Garissa, Mandera, Tana River and Wajir counties.

In Ethiopia, recent flooding and mudslides from heavy rainfall and overflowing rivers have exacerbated the already challenging conditions faced by crisis-affected communities, particularly affecting Somali, Oromia, South Ethiopia, Gambella and Afar regions.

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) reports that, as of September 2023, an estimated 3.45 million were displaced across accessible sites in Ethiopia.

The floods in Somalia, displaced over 1 million people and heightened the challenges of individuals who had already endured one of the longest and most severe droughts in four decades that pushed the country to the brink of famine.

The heavy downpour wreaked havoc on people’s homes and critical infrastructure including schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, and airstrips impending the delivery of aid to those affected.

Funding from the Government of Japan will go a long way in supporting the most immediate needs of the displaced populations with shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs) which includes tarpaulin, blankets, mosquito nets, kitchen set, sleeping mats, jerrycan, bucket, water purifiers, bar soap, while building their resilience and self-reliance.

IOM will continue to respond to immediate humanitarian and protection needs of affected populations while contributing to durable solutions and building resilience in line with the humanitarian development and peace nexus. IOM’s interventions will collectively reduce the vulnerabilities of crisis-affected populations and host communities by supporting evidence-based interventions increasing access to basic services such as clean water, shelter, health, and restoration of livelihoods in the immediate and longer terms. 

By ethionegari@gmail.com

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