WFP: 130 Trucks Carrying Relief Aid En Route To Tigray

At least 130 trucks carrying humanitarian supplies have started their journey to Tigray region today, says the World Food Program (WFP).

The trucks, described as the biggest yet in 2022, are part of the ninth WFP convoy heading to the region since the declaration of the indefinite humanitarian truce last March.

They started their journey from Afar region a day after 85 trucks arrived at Mekelle, the regional capital of Tigray.

In a brief message posted on Twitter, WPF Ethiopia said that trucks keep rolling and delivering to vulnerable communities in Afar and Tigray regions.

Food is on its way to northern Afar and will reach 36,000 in the coming days, the UN agency added.

Last Friday, WFP said 165 trucks delivered 3,000 tones of food and nutrition to Tigray in the past week.


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