Ethiopian Ambassador in Japan Confers with Soka Gakkai Executive Director

Ambassador-Designate of Ethiopia to Japan, Tefera Derbew, met today with Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Executive Director of Soka Gakkai Office of International Affairs.

Expressing a warm welcome to Japan, the Executive Director briefed the Ambassador about the Soka Gakkai, Soka University’s partnership with Bahirdar, Jimma, and Injibara Universities on Lake Tana’s water hyacinths “Enboch” treatment.  

Ambassador Tefera on his part appreciated the leadership of the Soka Gakkai for establishing an enduring bond with Ethiopian institutions for the betterment of the Ethiopian people.

Briefing on the current situation of Ethiopia, Ambassador  Tefera requested help in support of peace and in informing the Japanese public about the true nature of the conflict and the atrocities committed by the TPLF.

He also expressed his readiness to strengthen the partnership with Soka Gakkai during his tenure in office.

Yshiyuki expressed readiness to support the peaceful resolution of the Ethiopian Conflict, as a leadership of an institution working for a peaceful World.

Sokka Gakkai is an educational institution based on Buddhist philosophy to create a peaceful and joyous world.


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